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We're calling for a national public inquiry on maternity safety

The lives of mums, babies and families depend on it.

Our babies are too precious to keep on ignoring the reality that maternity care in England is fundamentally broken and requires radical reform to become safe. Despite the efforts of many people over many years and a series of local investigations, not much has changed – and the latest data shows that more mums and babies are dying, while other kinds of avoidable harm are not even counted by the NHS.

It’s time to abandon ineffective piecemeal change and have a statutory national public inquiry on maternity safety.

Our babies are too precious to keep on ignoring the reality that maternity care in England is fundamentally broken and requires radical reform to become safe. Despite the efforts of many people over many years and a series of local investigations, not much has changed – and the latest data shows that more mums and babies are dying, while other kinds of avoidable harm are not even counted by the NHS.

It’s time to abandon ineffective piecemeal change and have a statutory national public inquiry on maternity safety.

Why we need a national public inquiry

Maternity care in England is broken. Every year, hundreds of babies die when with better care they would survive, and thousands of mums are left traumatised and physically injured. Reviews and investigations have found dangerous and unsafe care around the country, but despite promises that ‘lessons will be learned’ instead the same failings have continued. We’ve set out just some of the facts here. Click below to read more.

More babies are dying

Over the last few years the overall stillbirth and neonatal death rates have increased, while the number of full term babies dying during labour has increased from 118 in 2019/20 to 192 in 2022/23.


More mothers are dying

The number of mums dying during pregnancy or in the weeks following birth has increased too, from 10.9 deaths per 100,000 in 2018-20, to 11.7 deaths per 100,000 in 2019-21.


What we're asking for

It’s time now for a statutory national public inquiry to look at the whole maternity system in England, understand what’s going wrong and why, and fix it once and for all. Some of the things we want the national public inquiry to do are:

  • Understand the true scale of maternity care failings
  • Ensure the voices of women, families and staff are heard
  • Look at staffing and resourcing, including issues with recruitment, retention, whistleblowers and bullying
  • Take a deep dive into failures of regulators including CQC, NMC and GMC
  • Look at the structure and commissioning of services to see if it can be improved
  • Understand and tackle rotten culture, including women not being listened to, lack of care and respect, and normal birth ideology
  • Look at clinical and non-clinical leadership failures and work out how to select and train better NHS leaders
  • Review the existing systems of accountability and governance for maternity safety – and come up with proposals to fix them
  • Look at education and training of clinicians
  • Figure out how to fix the way deaths and other adverse events are investigated and learned from, so that lessons are truly learned
  • Investigate how to eliminate inequalities by race, socio-economic status, and other vulnerabilities including autism
  • Review and reform the legal framework for maternity, including inquests, stillbirths, and police powers
  • Look at maternity improvement approaches, including at NHS England, and figure out how to make them work
  • Learn from excellence in the UK and abroad

Get Involved

We need your help to secure a national public inquiry and make sure every mum and every baby receives the care they deserve.

Click on the images to get involved.

Pledge your support

Add your name to the list of people calling for a national public inqury on maternity safety.

Write to your MP

We need as many MPs as possible to support our campaign and pressure the government to listen.

Tell us your story

Share your story to help us show the government exactly what’s going on in maternity care.

Our letter to Steve Barclay

In October 2023 we wrote to Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Steve Barclay, to ask for a national public inquiry on maternity safety. Click the image to read our letter. We'll post an update here when we get a reply.

In October 2023 we wrote to Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Steve Barclay, to ask for a national public inquiry on maternity safety. Click the image to read our letter. We'll post an update here when we get a reply.

About Us

We are a group of bereaved parents, other family members, and maternity safety campaigners from across the country, brought together by our shared mission to ensure every mum and every baby receives safe and compassionate maternity care. Our founders are:

  • Emily Barley, mother of Beatrice
  • Dr Jack and Sarah Hawkins, parents of Harriet
  • Catherine Roy, maternity safety campaigner