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Get Involved Help us secure a national public inquiry on maternity safety

Pledge your support

Add your name to the list of people calling for a national public inqury on maternity safety by filling in the form below.

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Write to your MP

We need as many MPs as possible to support our campaign and force the government to listen.

Write to your MP to ask for their help and support:

Tell us your story

We want to gather as many stories of bad, unkind, dangerous and/or negligent maternity care as we can – so we can show the government and the NHS exactly what is going on.

We want to hear about things that shouldn’t have happened to you, or experiences that better care would have improved. This could include:

  • Antenatal, labour, or postnatal care received by mum or baby, in hospital, at home or somewhere else.
  • Not being listened to, being left alone, not getting pain relief, not being told what was going on, procedures done without your consent, racism or other discrimination, care that was negligent, or something else.
  • Bad or poor care that led to the death or injury of mum or baby.
  • We know that not every injury is physical, so if your mental health was negatively impacted by the care you received, we want to hear from you too.

You can share your story anonymously if you’d prefer, and if at any time you’d like us to delete your story from our records please just send us an email.

Share your story by emailing Emily at, or you can add it to the form above when you pledge your support.


If you’d like to lend your time and skills to the campaign, please drop us a line